Game Day

August 30, 2019 Sponsored

 True to form, our summer was filled with game days and game nights at home.

When my husband and I got married, our wedding favors to each of our 119 guests was a deck of UNO cards with the message “a couple that plays together, stays together.” Cheeky, but fun right? Games are good for relationships and families alike – that’s something we’ve always believed.

And we’ve especially loved sharing the joy of games with Lucia. It’s been wild to track the different stages that Lucia has gone through when it comes to games, each phase mirroring her development: Zingo in her pre-school days transitioned to UNO in her Kindergarten days. Before entering 1st grade, we introduced her to Telestrations and now Rummykub. It keeps getting better and better as she gets older!

Today we’ve partnered with Walmart to share how we shop for the latest and greatest games and toys at – our latest addition was Telestrations after playing it with our family in Portland over the summer for Lucia’s birthday (it was a mega-game of 12 players around the extended dining room table!). So much fun and laughter (and great for practicing reading words too). Lucia also had these little stuffed animals at the top of her list for her summer birthday; the blue puppy has been sleeping with her every night since she opened it.

Linking to some more family games and toys below!